Collection of asbestos

Asbestos was for years widely used in many branches of economy, mainly in construction industry, but also in power industry, transport and chemical industry. After a few dozen of years of common use of asbestos it appeared that asbestos fibres suspended in the air are causing many diseases (among others cancer). Pathogenic affect of asbestos is a result of inhaling fibres suspended in the (until the fibres are not released to the air, they are not danger to health). The gravity of health threat depends on the kind of asbestos, size of fibres, their concentration in the air and the time of exposure.

It was estimated that on the area of Poland there are over 15mln tons of wares containing asbestos. The process of removal of the wares containing asbestos, according to the records of the national programme, shall be finished in 2032.

The scope of works connected with dismantling asbestos covers:

  • Submitting legally binding administrative notifications
  • Dismantling of asbestos plates
  • Their loading and transport to final treatment plants
  • Carrying out tests for remaining asbestos fibres